Category: Australia

customising a holga 120n

I recently bought a Holga 120n off eBay, on a bit of a whim. I had read few blog posts here and there about customising them and thought it might be fun to give it a go. You can see the result of my hacks in the pictures above. But for prosperity, here they are – Hack 1 […]

made on film

Recently I have been shooting a lot of film. I purchased a bulk lot of expired 35mm on ebay and have been slowly working my way through it. Here are a few of my favourites shots so far – from around Brisbane and beyond. Shot on a Contax T2 compact camera, with a mix of Fujicolor Industrial […]

in love with melbourne

Recently I got to go to Melbourne for a work trip – nothing too exciting, just a drab conference. I managed to escape for a quick stroll through the late afternoon sun and snapped a few street shots of couples making the the most of the dwindling summer. Taken with a Fuji x100s.